Contact information
Payment information
Upon purchase confirmation, you'll receive an email from Kajabi to access Le Membership platform & community, where you'll find all of the details.
By signing up you understand that you understand the cancellation policy.
Cancellation Policy:
Please note that when a member cancels their membership (after the 3-month commitment), access to Le Membership content will be terminated immediately, not at the end of the billing cycle. If the member wishes to access all recorded material and attend live sessions until the end of their billing cycle, they will need to cancel their subscription immediately before the next billing cycle begins. Cancellations prior to the end of the 3 month commitment period will not be granted. This is to ensure we have a community of committed women who desire long-term support, not a quick fix. If you should have any questions regarding this policy, please email
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Your monthly guide to living your fullest life, in your leanest body.
Your Membership includes:
- A library of guided workouts specifically designed for a lean, toned body (Value $300)
- A monthly workshop bringing you closer to your best body month by month. (Value $99)
- Access to a weekly Exclusive Q&A Podcast episode, answering your questions in detail (Invaluable)
- Private Community
- Access to my signature courses + workshops
- The Foundation (Value $49)
- Be Bloat Free (Value $150)
- Bulky 2 Lean (Value $150)
- Nutrition Blindspot Challenge (Value $229)
- Bonuses by request.
TOTAL VALUE of immediate access content: $977
3-month commitment is required
- Total payment
- 1xLe Membership$55-+
- Discount
- Shipping$0
- Sales tax$0
- Total
- Today's payment
- Le Membership$55
- Discount
- Shipping$0
- Sales tax$0
- Total
- Future payments
- $55
- Discount$0
- Shipping$0
- Sales tax$0
- Future amount
$0 - Today's payment:
$0 - Today's payment
All prices in USD
→ As per industry standards, no refunds or exchanges will be offered. Choose this community intuitively. This needs to feel right. Show up for yourself. Commit to change. Commit to yourself. Choose your life deliberately!